Monday, May 9, 2011
Turkey Wing Bone Caller
We dropped in on my husbands parents a couple of weeks ago and I saw these laying on my father-n-law's desk. Curious as to what they were, I had to inquire! Phillip went on to tell me that it was a turkey caller that he had made out of wing bones from a turkey he got a few weeks prior. He demonstrated a locating call, a yelp and a cluck and much to my surprise, the calls sounded like a turkey! I also have to add, that they make a very interesting conversation piece!
Making callers out of a turkey's bones isn't new. In fact it's something Native Americans have done for thousands of years. They believe in using every part of an animal that was killed. There are many variations on how to make them like, weather you should use a tom or a hen's bones, weather it's a spring or fall bird, or how many bones you should use. That's what makes these so neat, depending on the materials, you can create different sounds and tones. I know avid turkey hunters like to carry several different callers with them on a hunt so they can change the type of call, the tone of the call, and the volume to make a more successful hunt. I didn't realize how technical turkey calling was!
Since I am easily fascinated, I asked him how he made them. There are 3 specific bones in a turkey's wing that are used, the Humerus, Radius and Ulna. You clean them out, trim them to size and fit them together. He painted these with metallic acrylic paint and coated them with epoxy for protection. Here is a link I found that gives step by step (with pictures) directions on how you can make your own turkey wing bone caller.
This all came about when Papaw was at camp one weekend, he was showing what he had made to a friend and much to his surprise, his friend offered him $40 for the caller! So, I told Papaw that I would put a couple on my blog and see how they do! So, if you are interested in purchasing one of these turkey callers, leave me a post with your email address or visit my profile and send me an email.
This post has been linked at Homestead Revival's Barn Hop! Hop on over and check out some other fabulous ideas and shares!
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