Thursday, June 2, 2011

Arlington Cemetery

After a brief visit home from the gospel singing (long enough to do laundry and pack it again), we arrived in Washington DC today. Cameron is participating in the Generation Joshua IGovern camp here this week. So we decided to take a couple of extra days and see the sites of our nation's capital before we drop him off. We didn't have too much time this afternoon, so we decided to venture out on the Metro...very interesting with kids! Today we visited Arlington Cemetery and it was amazing, beautiful, emotional, and just breath taking. The one thing we wanted to make sure we saw while there was the changing of the guard.

These guys are very sharp and flawless.

These are the tombs of the unknown soldiers. The inscription on the tomb says, "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God".

We also visited the resting place of John Kennedy, his wife, brother, and children.

As I was walking through the hills of Arlington, I thought of a song by Set Apart where it talks about walking through a garden of stone to say good-bye to a loved one, but we can have hope in believing in Jesus Christ that we'll see them again.

This is Colin making his own pizza and Cameron stealing a piece of pepperoni! After a lot of walking and riding the Metro, we worked up and appetite that we filled with Rock Bottom.

Here's Daddy helping his baby girl make her pizza. We hadn't eaten at a Rock Bottom since we lived in Los Angeles...I know I was hungry, but I think I enjoyed resting my feet more! We'll be doing a lot more walking and site seeing over the next couple of days, so check back in for more adventures on the Metro in DC!

1 comment:

  1. So this sounds a little morbid, but A.N.C. is my favorite place in DC. First of all, it's just so chock full of history... even the story about how the land was acquired is extremely interesting. It's a place were anyone can go to sit and reflect on the price of our freedom and thank God for the men and women willing to pay that price. I sure miss you and am thankful you're well! I've got my mixer out and am anxious to get settled enough to start baking bread. Love you!
