Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Wall

I've been meaning to get to my last Washington DC post, but just haven't had a chance. This last post, in my opinion, is of the most touching Memorial in DC. Most of you know the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial is a wall of names for all who lost their lives in that war. I wasn't even a thought in my parents mind when they were serving in the Navy during Vietnam. All I can do is listen and read about that period and try to form a mental picture of what it was like.

When you walk up to the wall, 50,000 names is put into perspective. You become flooded with emotion when you see the names, the flowers, the letters, or loved ones trying to snap a picture of a name.

I was doing a good job holding back tears until I saw some of the Memorial Day tributes that children had left at the wall. This is just one of the many that were there.

Listen to the words of this song...The Wall by Dailey and Vincent.

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